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Does Your Vote Really Matter?(0)

This November millions of Americans will take part in the democratic process by heading to the polls and electing their country's next president and representatives in Congress. About two-thirds of registered voters are likely to perform what they believe is their "civic duty."

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Santorum for Vice President? Why That’s Not Such a Crazy Idea(0)

Yeah, OK: So Rick Santorum said some pretty nasty stuff about Mitt Romney on the campaign trail. The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania called Romney a liar and the "worst Republican in the country" to run against President Barack Obama.

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What Obama’s Support of Gay Marriage Really Means(0)

President Barack Obama has announced his support for for gay marriage, saying he believes same-sex couples should be able to tie the knot. Newsweek called him the "first gay president."

"At a certain point, I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married," Obama said during an interview with ABC News.

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Santorum Endorses Romney. Via Email. In the Middle of the Night.(0)

Enthusiastic. Forceful. Passionate.

None of those words should be used to describe Rick Santorum's endorsement of Mitt Romney this week. Santorum delivered his highly anticipated support to the presumed nominee in a tepid email sent out at 11 p.m.

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Santorum Still Hasn’t Endorsed Romney. What’s He Waiting For?(0)

Rick Santorum has said he'll eventually throw his support behind presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

The two met behind closed doors last week, the first face-to-face discussion they've had since well before Santorum ended his campaign in early April. But when the former rivals emerged, there was something noticeably absent: an endorsement.

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Is the 11th Commandment in Tatters?(0)

Every political candidate on the right knows by heart the 11th commandment made famous decades ago by Ronald Reagan: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any Republican."

But knowing that unwritten rule and abiding by it are two very different things. Case in point: Election 2012.

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2 More Blue Dog Democrats Fall as Coalition Members Dwindle(0)

So long, moderates.

The number of Blue Dog Democrats serving in the House of Representatives will drop again in January 2013. A pair of conservative Democrats, U.S. Reps. Tim Holden and Jason Altmire, lost their party primary races to more liberal challengers in Election 2012.

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The Nagging Questions that Mitt Romney Can’t Seem to Answer(0)

Likely Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney added five more notches this week to his long list of Election 2012 primary wins. But a close inspection of the returns shows the former Massachusetts governor can't shake a few nagging questions about his candidacy.

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Should Newt Gingrich Give Up Secret Service Protection?(0)

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has come under fire for keeping Secret Service protection at a cost to taxpayers of tens of thousands of dollars a day - even though he's a long-shot to win the party's nomination in Election 2012.

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Mitt Romney Tax Returns Become a Political Issue in 2012 Election(0)

Mitt Romney is in a bit of a political bind over the expected public release of his tax return for 2011.

He and wife Ann Romney have sought an extension, but when they do make their joint tax return available the Romneys' level of income and effective tax rate are certain to dominate a few news cycles and help Democrats label him as being superwealthy and out of touch with blue-collar America. Until then, Romney will take heat for not being as transparent as a candidate for the highest office in the land should be.

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