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Are the Republicans Really Headed for a Brokered Convention?(0)

Never mind his recent primary losses.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich keeps saying he's going to take his presidential campaign "all the way to the convention," suggesting he believes front-runner Mitt Romney might not win enough delegates during the state caucuses and primaries to secure the nomination before the summer meeting.

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Why Obama Changed His Mind About Super PACs(0)

President Barack Obama has given his top campaign fundraisers the OK to raise money for a super PAC supporting his re-election bid. But as anyone who recalls the president's 2010 State of the Union address can attest, Obama was vehemently opposed to super PACs before he was for them.

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What are Super PACs?(0)

Super PACs are raising and spending tens of millions of dollars to influence this year's presidential election. So what are super PACs? Where do they get their money, and who are they supporting? What rules govern super PACs? How do super PACs, or "independent expenditure-only committees," differ from traditional political-action committees?

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Prop 8 Ruling: Where the Presidential Candidates Stand(0)

Three of the four Republican presidential hopefuls sharply criticized the federal appeals court ruling declaring unconstitutional California's Proposition 8, which forbid gay couples to wed by defining marriage as being between only a man and woman.

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Is Romney Really the Presumptive Nominee? Already?(0)

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney picked up 10 more delegates in an easy win in Nevada over the weekend, giving him about 7 percent of the total number he needs to win the nomination. Yes, you read that correctly: He's only 7 percent of the way there.

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Super PACs Raise $100 Million to Influence Presidential Race(0)

More than 300 super PACs have raked in nearly $100 million so far in their efforts to pick a winner in the 2012 presidential contest, according to new Federal Election Commission data analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

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Romney Wins Big in Florida, With Help From Super PAC(0)

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney thumped his nearest Republican opponent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, in this week's Florida primary, carrying all of the state's 50 delegates.

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How Many Keystone Pipeline Jobs Would Really Be Created?(0)

The political battle over the Keystone XL pipeline, a $7 billion project to carry oil from Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, is likely to heat up again in the next few weeks. And the focus will again be on the number of Keystone pipeline jobs created.

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2012 State of the Union Ratings are Lowest of Obama’s First Term(0)

The numbers are in, and they're not pretty: President Barack Obama's State of the Union ratings from earlier this week were the lowest of all four of his annual addresses to the nation.

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Obama Pitches Buffett Rule Again in 2012 State of the Union Address(0)

President Barack Obama used his 2012 State of the Union address to make a second appeal for Congress to pass a so-called Buffett Rule on wealthy Americans.  The idea is to raise taxes on anyone earning more than $1 million a year who pays a smaller portion of their earnings to the government than do middle-class workers.

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