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Obama & Religion(0)

A poll just out from The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life says that more and more Americans erroneously think President Obama is a Muslim.  The poll says that 18 percent of Americans now think the president is Muslim, up from 11 percent in March 2009.

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Good day for the Gov(0)

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was spared conviction on a charge of conspiring to sell President Obama's vacated Senate seat.  Thanks to a lone female juror.  The woman kept the jury deadlocked 11 to 1 on three counts related to the former Obama seat: conspiracy to commit bribery, attempted extortion and conspiracy to commit extortion.

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Primary Reports(0)

Voters in Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, and Minnesota headed to the voting booth for primary elections yesterday to decide who will go head-to-head in the mid-term general elections in November.  (see the "must reads' section to the left for results by state). Some big winners: Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, who won over her primary challenger, Andrew Romanoff, and Nathan Deal who beat Sarah Palin-backed candidate Karen Handel in Georgia's GOP gubernatorial runoff.


Ted Stevens Killed in Plane Crash(0)

Ted Stevens, former U.S. Senator from Alaska, was killed last night when a plane he was flying in went down near an isolated Alaskan fishing lodge. Stevens, who perished along with four other people, was the longest serving Republican Senator in U.S. history. I met him this summer in Washington. In a brief exchange before I interviewed him for a film, he told me about surviving a plane crash in 1978 at the Anchorage International Airport. His wife, Ann, was killed along with four other people in that crash.


Past Blast(0)

Blasting the past and polishing the present.

President Obama was in Texas yesterday slamming the Bush W. legacy in an attempt to turn voters against Republicans in the coming mid-term election. The president's strategy is simple: keep reminding the electorate of what he inherited coming into the Oval Office.

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Proposition 8 and Private Moral Views(0)

A federal judge yesterday overturned the ban on gay marriage in California known as Proposition 8. The decision  - which was cheered by gay rights groups - was handed down by Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker. 

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Top 12 Racist Pols(0)

The left-leaning website today published a list of the top 12 racist politicians. Check it out for the reasons. Drumroll please:

1. Jessie Helms

2. Jim Knotts

3. Robert Byrd

4. John McCain

5. James L. Hart

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No Thanks, Sarah(0)

A new survey from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling finds that after Sarah Palin's endorsement of Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire's GOP candidate for U.S. senate,  Ayotte's lead in the polls sunk to a new low.  Also from that poll: 65 percent of moderates and 51 percent of Republicans say they're less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Palin.

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Tennessee Gone?(0)

Rep. Zach Wamp, who is running for governor in Tennessee, publicly state recently that if the mid-term elections don't go well for Republicans,  states should consider seceding from the Union. Later, when talking to the National Journal, he said, "I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 and 2012 so that states are not forced to consider separation from this government," he told the National Journal Hotline. "The fact is, we have a conflict and we need to resolve the conflict, and we need  strong tough governors to step up."

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Race Card(0)

Willie W. Herenton, a former mayor of Memphis, Tennessee and a legendary figure in the Old South, is pulling out the race card, asking voters to tap him over two-term white Congressman, Steve Cohen, in the August, 5th Democratic Primary election. Rep. Cohen, during two terms as the Representative of the heavily Democratic district that largely follows Memphis' city limits, has earned an A-rating from the N.A.A.C.P. and been endorsed by President Obama.

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